path: root/home/.config
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Fix alacritty configLibravatar sommerfeld2025-01-311-0/+1
* Add mergirafLibravatar sommerfeld2025-01-312-1/+28
* Remove git noattributes fileLibravatar sommerfeld2025-01-311-389/+0
* Add gdb configLibravatar sommerfeld2025-01-312-0/+6
* Remove ccache size limitLibravatar sommerfeld2025-01-311-0/+1
* [nvim] Update gitsigns configLibravatar sommerfeld2024-06-271-13/+18
* [nvim] Disable conflift line highlightingLibravatar sommerfeld2024-06-271-0/+6
* [nvim] Add LSP current word highlightingLibravatar sommerfeld2024-06-121-0/+39
* [nvim] Remove clangd_extensionsLibravatar sommerfeld2024-06-121-10/+0
* [zsh] Fix autocompletion bugLibravatar sommerfeld2024-06-121-0/+1
* [nvim] Revamp treesitter configurationLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-241-20/+26
* [nvim] Add autopairsLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-241-0/+4
* [nvim] Remove tmux resize mappingsLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-241-1/+5
* [clangd] Change configurationLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-241-3/+5
* [nvim] Simplify clangd configurationLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-241-15/+0
* [nvim] Add fidget.nvimLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-241-0/+1
* [nvim] Tweak UILibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-241-3/+2
* [term] Change scroll mappingsLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-241-2/+2
* [meta] Rename all metapackagesLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-221-1/+1
* [zsh] Add user completion directory to $fpathLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-221-0/+1
* Use git.sommerfeld.dev for remoteLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-221-1/+1
* [ssh] Remove work and personal "hosts"Libravatar sommerfeld2024-05-221-8/+0
* [nvim] Fix git-conflict.nvim mappingsLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-221-1/+9
* [nvim] Remove legacy plugin disablingLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-221-20/+0
* [nvim] Privatize lsp functionsLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-222-88/+54
* [nvim] Use the latest stable version of pluginsLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-221-2/+2
* [nvim] Remove deprecated functionLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-221-1/+1
* [git] Add work conditional configLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-221-0/+4
* [git] Removed unused config linesLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-221-8/+0
* [nvim] Rewrite config motivated by nvim 0.10Libravatar sommerfeld2024-05-2014-1166/+1120
* [git] Sign tags as wellLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-161-0/+2
* [nvim] NFC: Format fileLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-161-17/+17
* [nvim] Remove unused spell langsLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-161-3/+0
* [nvim] Remove unused pluginLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-161-1/+0
* [sh] Remove ngit aliasLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-161-1/+0
* [de] Improve JAVA GUIsLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-162-0/+5
* [git] set push.followTagsLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-161-1/+1
* Update main gpg keyLibravatar sommerfeld2024-05-161-3/+3
* [alacritty] Prevent dpi scalingLibravatar Arnold Sommerfeld2024-04-111-0/+3
* [polybar] Improve bspwm module formatingLibravatar Arnold Sommerfeld2024-04-111-0/+23
* [htop] Migrate to new versionLibravatar Arnold Sommerfeld2024-04-111-3/+3
* [sh] Have a propper include guardLibravatar Arnold Sommerfeld2024-04-111-26/+6
* [polybar] Simplify visualsLibravatar Arnold Sommerfeld2024-04-111-77/+77
* [polybar] Update configLibravatar Rui Marques2024-04-112-463/+275
* [nvim] Use rustacean instead of bare rust-analyzerLibravatar Arnold Sommerfeld2024-04-111-1/+17
* [nvim] Add new dap-ui dependencyLibravatar Arnold Sommerfeld2024-04-111-0/+1
* Add hadolint to used lintersLibravatar Arnold Sommerfeld2024-03-131-0/+1
* Add dockerls to list of LSPsLibravatar Arnold Sommerfeld2024-03-131-0/+1
* Add telescope as a neogit depLibravatar Arnold Sommerfeld2024-03-131-2/+4
* Improve markdown-preview configLibravatar Arnold Sommerfeld2024-03-131-9/+2