# sentrum Daemon that monitors the Bitcoin blockchain for transactions involving your wallets and sends you notifications in many different channels (ntfy push notifications, email, telegram, nostr, arbitrary command, etc). ## Installation Either: * Compile from source using `cargo install sentrum` * Download the binary from the [releases page](releases) * If using archlinux, install it from the [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/sentrum) ## Configuration ### Config file path It will look for a `sentrum.toml` configuration file located in any of these directories (with this priority): 1. Current working directory 2. `$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/sentrum` 3. `~/.config/sentrum` 4. `/etc/sentrum` (more appropriate if running as a systemd service) Alternatively, you can pass the configuration file path as an argument in the invocation and that will override any of the above. **Start by copying the sample configuration to where you want it.** E.g. ```bash cp sentrum.sample.toml sentrum.toml sudo cp sentrum.sample.toml /etc/sentrum/sentrum.toml ``` or ```bash sudo cp sentrum.sample.toml /etc/sentrum/sentrum.toml ``` ### What to configure You can use the [sentrum.sample.toml](sentrum.sample.toml) file as an example. Most options have very good defaults so you don't need to change them unless you want to. **In the examples below, commented options showcase their defaults, unless explicitly said otherwise.** #### Required * `wallets`: what wallets you want to monitor * `actions`: what actions you want to take once a relevant transaction is found #### Optional * `electrum`: by default, public electrum servers are used. You can configure it to connect to your own * `message`: this allows you to configure the subject and body templates of the notification message and choose the relevant data from the transaction that you want to include ## Wallets For each wallet you want to track, add the following configuration: ```toml [[wallets]] # Identifier for naming purposes (required) name = "alice" # Wallet xpub (required) xpub = "xpub6CkXHzuU1NyHUFNiQZLq2bgt6QPqjZbwpJ1MDgDeo4bWZ8ZP7HZr7v9WTLCQFhxVhqiJNcw5wSKE77rkAK1SzcuHjt36ZUibBHezGzGL9h9" # Script kind ("legacy","nested_segwit","segwit","taproot") (optional) #kind = "segwit" ``` It assumes a BIP84 (native segwit, `bc1` style addresses) wallet. If your wallet has a different script kind add the field `kind = "legacy"` (or `nested_segwit`, or `taproot`). More complex wallet types are supported by providing `primary = ""` and `change = ""` wallet descriptors instead of `xpub =` and `kind = `. ## Actions For each new relevant transaction, you can take multiple actions. For each action you desire to take, you need to add the configuration: ```toml [[actions]] # Action type (required) type = "" <.... INSERT ACTION SPECIFIC CONFIGURATION HERE...> ``` Below we explain the configuration for each action kind. You can have multiple actions of the same kind (e.g. you want to send multiple emails from different accounts for some reason). ### ntfy This is the best straightforward way to get push notifications on a smartphone. 1. Install the android/iOS app following the relevant links in https://ntfy.sh 2. If you don't run your own ntfy self-hosted server, create an account at ntfy.sh 3. Open the app, give it the needed permissions and configure your account credentials 4. Click on the `+` button and create a "topic", preferably named `sentrum` since that's what will be used by default. Then you just need to add the relevant configuration: ```toml [[actions]] type = "ntfy" # Credentials (required if you use a public server like the default one) credentials.username = "" credentials.password = "" # ntfy server (optional) #url = "https://ntfy.sh" # notification channel name (optional) #topic = "sentrum" # Proxy used to connect (optional, defaults to None) #proxy = "socks5://" # Priority ("max", "high", "default", "low", "min") (optional) #priority = "default" ``` ### nostr Get notified by a nostr [NIP04 encrypted DM](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/04.md) (leaks metadata but widely supported) or a [NIP59 GiftWrap sealed sender DM](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/59.md) (more private but not supported by many clients). Add: ```toml [[actions]] type = "nostr" # Which npub to send the DM (required) recipient = "" # If NIP59 giftwrap DMs should be used instead of NIP04 (optional) #sealed_dm = false # Which relays to use to send DMs #relays = ["wss://nostr.bitcoiner.social", "wss://nostr.oxtr.dev", "wss://nostr.orangepill.dev", "wss://relay.damus.io"] ``` ### email You need to add the configuration below and essentially configure an authenticated connection to your email provider's SMTP server. I cannot help you out with every provider's weird rules (maybe you need to allow 3rd party apps for gmail, who knows). ```toml [[actions]] type = "email" # SMTP server (required) server = "`. You can pass the `--test` flag to send a single test notification to all configured actions. By default, only new transactions can trigger actions. If you pass `--notify-past-txs`, it will send notifications of past transactions in the initial wallet sync. If you have a long transaction history, this will spam your notification channels for every transaction. ## systemd service The ideal use-case is as a long running daemon, so it makes sense to configure it as a systemd service. If you are installing `sentrum` manually (e.g. from the releases page), you should: 1. Create a new `sentrum` user: ```bash sudo useradd -d /var/lib/sentrum -m sentrum ``` 2. Place the `sentrum.toml` configuration file in `/etc/sentrum`: ```bash sudo mkdir -p /etc/sentrum sudo cp sentrum.toml /etc/sentrum sudo chown -R sentrum:sentrum /etc/sentrum ``` 3. Copy the [contrib/sentrum.service](contrib/sentrum.service) into the `/etc/systemd/system` 3. Reload systemd so that the service file can be found: ```bash sudo systemclt daemon-reload ``` 4. Enable and start the service: ```bash sudo systemclt enable --now sentrum.service ``` 5. Check if everything is fine with `systemctl status sentrum` 6. Check the logs with `journalctl -fu sentrum` # Future Work * More action types: - Matrix DM - SimpleX chat DM - IRC - XMPP - Whatsapp/Signal using linked devices (harder) - HTTP request * More wallet types: - Single Address (blocked by https://github.com/bitcoindevkit/bdk/issues/759) - Collections of wallets as a single entity * Notifications for the first tx confirmation and after N confirmations * Filtering notifications by the transaction amounts (e.g. no action for transactions smaller than 1M sats) * Debian package (using `cargo-deb`) * Allow per wallet actions * Support other blockchain backends (bitcoind-rpc, explora, block filters, dojo) * Maybe create a little web UI that helps with writing the configuration * Incentivize node distributions to package sentrum