
// Server config
sv_cheats 1 // Enables cheat commands
mp_limitteams 0 // No player limit in teams
mp_autoteambalance 0 // No player balancing
mp_timelimit 999999
mp_roundtime 60 // 60 minute round-timer
mp_roundtime_defuse 60 // 60 minute round-timer for de_ maps
mp_roundtime_hostage 60
mp_maxmoney 60000 // Money, max allowed
mp_startmoney 60000 // Money, starting amount
mp_freezetime 0 // Disables freezetime
mp_buytime 9999 // Buy anytime
mp_buy_anywhere 1 // Buy anywhere
sv_infinite_ammo 1 // Ammo: infinite
ammo_grenade_limit_total 5 // Ammo: Allows you to hold all types of grenades
sv_grenade_trajectory 1 // Grenade trajectory visible
sv_grenade_trajectory_time 10 // Grenade trajectory time visible
sv_showimpacts 1 // Bullet impacts visible
sv_showimpacts_time 10 // Bullet impacts time visible
sv_alltalk 1
cl_grenadepreview 1
// Gives CT all grenades
mp_ct_default_grenades "weapon_flashbang weapon_hegrenade weapon_smokegrenade weapon_incgrenade weapon_decoy"
// Gives T all grenades
mp_t_default_grenades "weapon_flashbang weapon_hegrenade weapon_smokegrenade weapon_molotov weapon_decoy"
mp_halftime_duration 0
mp_join_grace_time 30
mp_respawnwavetime_ct 1
mp_respawnwavetime_t 1
mp_friendlyfire 0
mp_free_armor 2
mp_respawn_on_death_ct 1 // Respawn CT after death immediately
mp_respawn_on_death_t 1 // Respawn T after death immediately
mp_death_drop_gun 1 // Allow to pick up wepon after somebody's death
mp_death_drop_c4 1 // Allow to pick up C4 after planter's death
mp_death_drop_defuser 1 // Allow to pick up defuse kit after somebody's death
mp_death_drop_grenade 5 // How many grenades will drop after somebody's death
mp_solid_teammates 1
mp_c4timer 9999
mp_ignore_round_win_conditions 1

bind mouse3 noclip
bind i sv_rethrow_last_grenade
bind leftarrow "cl_sim_grenade_trajectory 10"
bind rightarrow cast_ray
bind uparrow bot_place
alias nades "give weapon_hegrenade;give weapon_flashbang;give weapon_smokegrenade;give weapon_incgrenade;give weapon_molotov;give weapon_decoy"
bot_stop 1
bot_kick // Kicks bots
mp_warmup_end // Ends warmup
mp_restartgame 1 // Restarts the game

echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""
echo ""