local function augroup(name) return vim.api.nvim_create_augroup(name, {}) end local autocmd = vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd -- adapted from https://github.com/ethanholz/nvim-lastplace/blob/main/lua/nvim-lastplace/init.lua local ignore_buftype = { "quickfix", "nofile", "help" } local ignore_filetype = { "gitcommit", "gitrebase", "svn", "hgcommit" } local function run() if vim.tbl_contains(ignore_buftype, vim.bo.buftype) then return end if vim.tbl_contains(ignore_filetype, vim.bo.filetype) then -- reset cursor to first line vim.cmd [[normal! gg]] return end -- If a line has already been specified on the command line, we are done -- nvim file +num if vim.fn.line(".") > 1 then return end local last_line = vim.fn.line([['"]]) local buff_last_line = vim.fn.line("$") -- If the last line is set and the less than the last line in the buffer if last_line > 0 and last_line <= buff_last_line then local win_last_line = vim.fn.line("w$") local win_first_line = vim.fn.line("w0") -- Check if the last line of the buffer is the same as the win if win_last_line == buff_last_line then -- Set line to last line edited vim.cmd [[normal! g`"]] -- Try to center elseif buff_last_line - last_line > ((win_last_line - win_first_line) / 2) - 1 then vim.cmd [[normal! g`"zz]] else vim.cmd [[normal! G'"<c-e>]] end end end augroup("restore position") autocmd("BufReadPost", { once = true, group = "restore position", callback = run }) augroup("postwrite") autocmd("BufWritePost", { group = "postwrite", pattern = ".Xkeymap", command = "!xkbcomp % $DISPLAY", }) autocmd("BufWritePost", { group = "postwrite", pattern = "*bspwmrc", command = "!bspc wm --restart", }) autocmd("BufWritePost", { group = "postwrite", pattern = "*/polybar/config", command = "!polybar-msg cmd restart", }) autocmd("BufWritePost", { group = "postwrite", pattern = "user-dirs.dirs,user-dirs.locale", command = "!xdg-user-dirs-update", }) autocmd("BufWritePost", { group = "postwrite", pattern = "plugins.lua", command = "source % | PackerSync", }) autocmd("BufWritePost", { group = "postwrite", pattern = "dunstrc", command = "!killall -SIGUSR2 dunst", }) autocmd( "BufWritePost", { group = "postwrite", pattern = "fonts.conf", command = "!fc-cache" } ) augroup("autocomplete") autocmd("CompleteDone", { group = "autocomplete", command = "if pumvisible() == 0 | silent! pclose | endif", }) augroup("reload") autocmd("CompleteDone", { group = "reload", command = "if getcmdwintype() == '' | checktime | endif", }) augroup("highlightyank") autocmd( "TextYankPost", { group = "highlightyank", callback = vim.highlight.on_yank } ) augroup("quitro") autocmd("BufReadPost", { group = "quitro", callback = function() if vim.opt.readonly:get() then vim.keymap.set("n", "q", "<cmd>q<cr>") end end, }) augroup("localinit") autocmd("VimEnter", { group = "localinit", callback = function() local settings = vim.fn.findfile(".doit.lua", ".;") if settings ~= "" then print("sourcing local config") dofile(settings) end end, }) augroup("restore guicursor") autocmd("VimLeave", { once = true, group = "restore guicursor", command = 'set guicursor= | call chansend(v:stderr, "\x1b[ q")' })