# Reflector configuration file for the systemd service. # # Empty lines and lines beginning with "#" are ignored. All other lines should # contain valid reflector command-line arguments. The lines are parsed with # Python's shlex modules so standard shell syntax should work. All arguments are # collected into a single argument list. # # See "reflector --help" for details. # Recommended Options # Set the output path where the mirrorlist will be saved (--save). --save /etc/pacman.d/mirrorlist # Select the transfer protocol (--protocol). # --protocol https # Select the country (--country). # Consult the list of available countries with "reflector --list-countries" and # select the countries nearest to you or the ones that you trust. For example: --country Spain,Portugal,France,Switzerland,Germany,Netherlands # Use only the most recently synchronized mirrors (--latest). # --latest 12 # Sort the mirrors by synchronization time (--sort). # --sort age --age 12 --completion-percent 100 --sort score #--connection-timeout 2 --fastest 10 --threads 12