path: root/home/.config/nvim/lua/custom/plugins/debug.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'home/.config/nvim/lua/custom/plugins/debug.lua')
1 files changed, 237 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/home/.config/nvim/lua/custom/plugins/debug.lua b/home/.config/nvim/lua/custom/plugins/debug.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82de07d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/home/.config/nvim/lua/custom/plugins/debug.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+local map = require("mapper")
+return {
+ {
+ "mfussenegger/nvim-dap",
+ config = function()
+ local dap = require("dap")
+ dap.defaults.fallback.force_external_terminal = true
+ dap.defaults.fallback.external_terminal = {
+ command = "/usr/bin/st",
+ args = { "-e" },
+ }
+ dap.defaults.fallback.terminal_win_cmd = "50vsplit new"
+ local function get_env_vars()
+ local variables = {}
+ for k, v in pairs(vim.fn.environ()) do
+ table.insert(variables, string.format("%s=%s", k, v))
+ end
+ return variables
+ end
+ dap.adapters.lldb = {
+ type = "executable",
+ command = "/usr/bin/lldb-vscode",
+ name = "lldb",
+ }
+ local function str_split(inputstr, sep)
+ sep = sep or "%s"
+ local t = {}
+ for str in inputstr:gmatch("([^" .. sep .. "]+)") do
+ table.insert(t, str)
+ end
+ return t
+ end
+ local _cmd = nil
+ local function get_cmd()
+ if _cmd then
+ return _cmd
+ end
+ local clipboard_cmd = vim.fn.getreg("+")
+ _cmd = vim.fn.input({
+ prompt = "Command to execute: ",
+ default = clipboard_cmd
+ })
+ return _cmd
+ end
+ local function get_program()
+ return str_split(get_cmd())[1]
+ end
+ local function get_args()
+ local argv = str_split(get_cmd())
+ local args = {}
+ if #argv < 2 then
+ return {}
+ end
+ for i = 2, #argv do
+ args[#args + 1] = argv[i]
+ end
+ return args
+ end
+ dap.configurations.cpp = {
+ {
+ name = "Launch",
+ type = "lldb",
+ request = "launch",
+ cwd = "${workspaceFolder}",
+ program = get_program,
+ stopOnEntry = true,
+ args = get_args,
+ env = get_env_vars,
+ runInTerminal = true,
+ },
+ {
+ -- If you get an "Operation not permitted" error using this, try disabling YAMA:
+ -- echo 0 | sudo tee /proc/sys/kernel/yama/ptrace_scope
+ name = "Attach to process",
+ type = "lldb",
+ request = "attach",
+ pid = require('dap.utils').pick_process,
+ },
+ }
+ dap.configurations.c = dap.configurations.cpp
+ dap.configurations.rust = dap.configurations.cpp
+ local get_python_path = function()
+ local venv_path = os.getenv("VIRTUAL_ENV")
+ if venv_path then
+ return venv_path .. "/bin/python"
+ end
+ return "/usr/bin/python"
+ end
+ require("dap-python").setup(get_python_path())
+ dap.adapters.nlua = function(callback, config)
+ callback({ type = "server", host = config.host, port = config.port })
+ end
+ dap.configurations.lua = {
+ {
+ type = "nlua",
+ request = "attach",
+ name = "Attach to running Neovim instance",
+ host = function()
+ local value = vim.fn.input("Host []: ")
+ if value ~= "" then
+ return value
+ end
+ return ""
+ end,
+ port = function()
+ local val = tonumber(vim.fn.input("Port: "))
+ assert(val, "Please provide a port number")
+ return val
+ end,
+ },
+ }
+ dap.repl.commands = vim.tbl_extend("force", dap.repl.commands, {
+ continue = { "continue", "c" },
+ next_ = { "next", "n" },
+ back = { "back", "b" },
+ reverse_continue = { "reverse-continue", "rc" },
+ into = { "into" },
+ into_target = { "into_target" },
+ out = { "out" },
+ scopes = { "scopes" },
+ threads = { "threads" },
+ frames = { "frames" },
+ exit = { "exit", "quit", "q" },
+ up = { "up" },
+ down = { "down" },
+ goto_ = { "goto" },
+ capabilities = { "capabilities", "cap" },
+ -- add your own commands
+ custom_commands = {
+ ["echo"] = function(text)
+ dap.repl.append(text)
+ end,
+ },
+ })
+ map.n("<F4>", dap.close)
+ map.n("<F5>", dap.continue)
+ map.n("<F10>", dap.step_over)
+ map.n("<F11>", dap.step_into)
+ map.n("<F12>", dap.step_out)
+ map.n("<leader>b", dap.toggle_breakpoint)
+ map.n("<leader>B", function()
+ dap.set_breakpoint(vim.fn.input("Breakpoint condition: "))
+ end)
+ map.n("<leader>lp", function()
+ dap.set_breakpoint(nil, nil, vim.fn.input("Log point message: "))
+ end)
+ map.n("<leader>dr", dap.repl.open)
+ map.n("<leader>dl", dap.run_last)
+ map.n("<F2>", dap.list_breakpoints)
+ local dapui = require("dapui")
+ dap.listeners.after.event_initialized["dapui_config"] = function()
+ dapui.open()
+ end
+ dap.listeners.before.event_terminated["dapui_config"] = function()
+ dapui.close()
+ end
+ dap.listeners.before.event_exited["dapui_config"] = function()
+ dapui.close()
+ end
+ map.n("<leader>du", dapui.toggle)
+ map.v("<leader>de", dapui.eval)
+ end,
+ dependencies = {
+ {
+ "rcarriga/nvim-dap-ui",
+ dependencies = "nvim-neotest/nvim-nio",
+ opts = {
+ icons = { expanded = "-", collapsed = "+", current_frame = "*" },
+ controls = { enabled = false },
+ layouts = {
+ {
+ elements = {
+ -- Elements can be strings or table with id and size keys.
+ "scopes",
+ "breakpoints",
+ "stacks",
+ "watches",
+ },
+ size = 40,
+ position = "left",
+ },
+ {
+ elements = {
+ "repl",
+ },
+ size = 0.25, -- 25% of total lines
+ position = "bottom",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ "mfussenegger/nvim-dap-python",
+ keys = {
+ { "gm", function()
+ require("dap-python").test_method()
+ end },
+ {
+ "g<cr>",
+ function()
+ require("dap-python").debug_selection()
+ end,
+ mode = "v"
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ "jbyuki/one-small-step-for-vimkind",
+ {
+ "theHamsta/nvim-dap-virtual-text",
+ config = true,
+ dependencies = { "nvim-treesitter/nvim-treesitter" }
+ }
+ },
+ },